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GQ: RVCA Founder Pat Tenore’s 10 Essentials

Pat Tenore, GQ



Pat Tenore, the founder and president of internationally successful surf and skate label RVCA, isn't just the epitome of the stylish surfer but also one of the nicest and most down-to-earth people around. Ask him about his mega-successful brand and he'll talk about artists and athletes the company sponsors and collaborates with, not new products or retail projects. His side hustles are with his best friends. Philanthropy and community are woven into these endeavors as well as RVCA, and have been since day one. And while the man owns several rare luxury cars, he's been known to cruise around Costa Mesa in a minivan. In short, he's a good businessperson and a good dude. He came from a humble background and made it big but never sold out (not figuratively anyway—Billabong bought the brand in 2010). He's a committed father with three kids and yet somehow also has enough swagger to rock a gold tooth, tattoo sleeves, and a topknot. He's got style on every level. So who better to give the 10 Essentials treatment to? Here, his favorite things.


Purps Fuel

9. Purps Fuel

"I started this company with my friends Kelly Slater and Dr. Chris Schaumburg. Kelly has been approached by energy drink companies and turned down seven-figure deals because he doesn’t believe in the ingredients used in them. So we created this energy drink that has no artificial colors or flavors; instead it’s made with six purple superfruits, yerba mate, ginseng, and vitamin B, among other things. We sponsor a lot of local events, and are involved with charitable initiatives too. Part of the mission of the brand is to educate young athletes and kids to adopt healthier habits. The fuel is for before your workout and the hydro is for after. They also taste really good with vodka."


See Pat Tenore's complete list of essentials on GQ --->

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